Waterfowl Hunting in Standing Corn | Wingmen by Eastmans'
When you get a chance to hunt standing corn, do it!
If you are anything like our friends from the hit short film series, Wingmen by Eastmans’, you love most anything outdoor-oriented and are at the first split in Wyoming on opening day with a pile of ducks and a crew of guys. What is their secret? Two words: standing corn.
There is a little bit of water, probably from an irrigation issue earlier in the summer. It is great for the ducks, and it is also a fantastic place to hide. Any time you have standing corn, it is awesome!
If you do have standing corn, everyone can stand a few rows in. Then, all you have to do is hunker down so that you have a complete screen. No need for elaborate blinds. If you stand back a few rows, you are completely covered. Birds cannot see you once you hunker down. You might have to get lower as the sun gets higher, but that is just to be expected.
One thing you have to consider when hunting in standing corn, is that it is always tough for a dog. They can’t see very well, and they have a hard time marking birds unless you are in the right spot. Sometimes, that’s just the way it goes.
Another tip for you wingmen: keep a single reed and a double reed on your lanyard at all times. You never know on any given day what sound those birds are going to want. Wingman, Todd Helms, keeps a Green Head Rocker, a Green Top Rocker, and a wood duck call. He also keeps the Long Neck Rocker, another goose call from Zinc.
For Todd Helms, hunting waterfowl is so much more than shooting birds out of the sky.
“It’s the pursuit, the game, the sport, and the lifestyle provided by hunting these amazing animals that has and hopefully will continue to lead hunters afield with skyward gazes that truly defines the obsession with wildfowl.”
Watch Wingmen if you want to hear more waterfowl tips and tricks and watch them haul in a mess of ducks. The full story is on the Wingmen by the Eastmens’ episode, “Opening Day Duck Hunting in Wyoming.”