The Week Before the Hunt: What to do?


written by crayton campbell

It’s the week leading up to your archery elk hunt. Time to kick back, relax, and shut down right? Seems logical, but that’s not the route to take. If you want to be mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared, follow these 3 steps to ensure the best chance of success:

1. Hydrate

2. Stay active

3. Gear check

  1. Hydrate

First and foremost is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Elk country is typically less than forgiving, especially for hunters coming from lower altitudes. Dehydration and altitude sickness are absolute killers and can end a hunt in a hurry. Once you fall behind, it’s hard to catch back up. So with that in mind, the week leading up to your hunt, hammer the water and even supplement some electrolytes. As guides, it’s the very first thing we tell our hunters when they arrive in camp. In my experience, most guys typically underestimate how much water they really need. When that bull is screaming his head off and you need one last push to get the shot, the last thing you want is fatigue taking you down!

Tip: Hydration bladders are the way to go because of how quickly you can take in fluids. There’s no digging in your pack for a bottle. Throw some electrolyte packs in your backpack to supplement when needed as well.


2. Stay Active

Secondly, stay active the week before. It’s so easy to want to slump into the couch and convince yourself you just need rest but don’t fall in that trap! You definitely want to get your rest but get some light exercise and stretching in throughout the week. Go for a light run, a short hike, or get a light workout in. Keep the body moving and prepared. The sharper you are physically, the sharper you’ll be mentally. Most importantly, keep shooting daily! The worst thing you can do is put your bow down. Each repetition builds muscle memory and makes you more prepared for the week ahead.

Tip: Light cardio and stretching combined with daily shooting is a great way to keep you sharp mentally and physically.


3. Gear Check

The third and final suggestion is to triple-check all of your gear! Check the batteries in your range finder. Check the straps on your pack. Check the shoelaces on your boots. Check all the screws on your bow, your strings, your quiver, and your arrows! No matter how trivial it may seem, check it, and make sure you’re ready to go. Lastly, load your pack once all your gear is ready and see how it feels to know what adjustments you need to make. You don’t want to be discovering uncomfortable straps or wondering where the random squeaking noise is coming from once you’re in the thick of elk. Trust me, if you’re hunting with a guide or a friend, they will thank you.

Tip: Shoot your bow a few times with your pack on loaded with your daily gear. Make sure nothing gets in the way of your shot!

The week before is a crucial week of preparation. Stay active, take care of yourself, and take care of your gear. Don’t burn yourself out, but definitely don’t let yourself sink into the couch either. It’s a great time to take advantage of some last-minute mental and physical preparation! For a lot of folks, an archery elk hunt can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Give yourself every advantage to make it count and go home with the best groceries Mother Nature has to offer!

crayton campbell

Crayton is a full time rancher and spends Septembers guiding elk hunts in Montana.

Bowhunting, Big GameStaff Writer