2 Quick Tips For Setting Up On Turkeys
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Turkey hunting is considered an art by many of its practitioners. The birds have a keen eyesight that makes fooling them extremely difficult. With this in mind, it’s important to set up early so that you’re not scrambling to get situated right as a nice tom is strutting into view. Here are 2 quick tips for setting up on your turkey hunt from Browning’s Turkey Hunter.
Find Running Water
As Russell Knight puts it in this episode of Browning’s Turkey Hunter, “Wherever you have running water, the turkeys like.” While it’s rare to find, especially in Texas where Knight is hunting, if you have the opportunity to hunt near running water it will greatly increase your chances of finding birds. “They love to roost above it, they love to roost on the edge of it,” Knight explains, “and usually there’s trees along running water. In Texas, trees are a good thing for turkey hunters.”
Don’t Get Too Close, Set up Early
Knight and his hunting buddies decided to start in the morning on this day in an area they had previously scouted. It ended up being the perfect place and before you know it they were hearing gobbles close by. While this was exciting to them, it was also problematic. “We realized we might get too close,” says Knight, “so we find a place to tuck in and start talking to these turkeys.” As mentioned earlier, it’s better to pick a spot a decent distance away so you have time to set up your decoys, pick a shooting lane, and begin calling. Knight advocates finding an elevated spot so that the sound of the call carries a farther distance.
To learn more and see these tips in action (as well as one of the greatest turkey shots of all time), check out the full episode of Browning’s Turkey Hunter below on WAYPOINT.